Brice Lalonde in a meeting

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Brice Lalonde in a meeting

Brice Lalonde in a meeting

Report on the electoral meeting of the Generation Ecologie movement in La Défense. Its president Brice Lalonde presented his list heads in view of the regionals, on a stage covered with an artificial grass carpet. Its movement stands out from the PS and intends to definitively reduce the gap that separates it from its direct competitors, Les Verts. Comments on images of the meeting alternating with a statement by Brice LALONDE who affirms: "No political force has the right to take the environmental movement for a satellite".

Publication date : 10 February 1992

Producteur: Antenne 2   -   Journalist : Golomer, Pascal  -  Participant : Lalonde, Brice
A2 The Journal Of 13H   -   Producteur: Antenne 2


Credits:Journalist : Golomer, Pascal-Participant : Lalonde, Brice

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