Heads of State address at COP21

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Heads of State address at COP21

Heads of State address at COP21

Report at the COP21 in Le Bourget where the 150 heads of state spoke an average of six minutes each, or 15 hours of speeches. This day has undoubtedly been historic, but what messages will remain? Perhaps that of US President Barack OBAMA who quoted civil rights activist Martin Luther KING in the tribune: "There is always a time when it is too late to act. As far as climate is concerned, it is already almost too late". On the hunt for quotations, the Chinese president borrows from the French repertoire: "Victor Hugo said: it is in the face of extreme difficulties that we must find extreme solutions". There was also a moment of emotion when the representatives of the endangered territories spoke. In traditional dress, Marshall Islands President Christopher LOEAK called for help: "As a representative of a nation two metres above sea level, I implore your help so that my country will not be overwhelmed by rising waters". It is now up to the experts to summarize all these speeches. Alternation of factual images, and excerpts from speeches delivered by Barack OBAMA, President of the United States, XI JINGPING, President of the People’s Republic of China, Christopher LOEAK, President of the Marshall Islands, Evo MORALES, President of Bolivia, Valdimir PUTIN, President of the Russian Federation, and Abdel Fatah AL SISSI, President of Egypt.









Publication date : 30 November 2015

Producteur: France 2   -   Journalist : Mikoczy, Alban  -  Film Editor : Cohen Olico, Mathieu  -  Participant : Obama, Barack  -  Participant : Xi, Jinping  -  Participant : Morales, Evo  -  Participant : Poutine, Vladimir  -  Participant : Sissi, Abdel Fattah Al  -  Participant : Loeak, Christopher
20 Hours   -   Producteur: France 2


Credits:Journalist : Mikoczy, Alban-Film Editor : Cohen Olico, Mathieu-Participant : Obama, Barack-Participant : Xi, Jinping-Participant : Morales, Evo-Participant : Poutine, Vladimir-Participant : Sissi, Abdel Fattah Al-Participant : Loeak, Christopher

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