MEPs adopt an amendment against phthalates and parabens

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MEPs adopt an amendment against phthalates and parabens

MEPs adopt an amendment against phthalates and parabens

MEPs passed a bill against the government’s advice banning chemicals such as phthalates and parabens, which are present in many everyday objects, because of their effects on the hormonal system. Impossible to escape, hormonal disruptors hide in most everyday objects: phthalates in PVC, toys, perfumes or food packaging. Parabens are used as preservatives in cosmetics. Alkylphenols are emulsifiers found in detergents. If the amendment adopted in the Assembly is confirmed in the Senate, these products could be banned to protect the health of consumers. The Ministry of Health relativizes the toxic effects of these products. Interviews: André CICOLLELA (toxicologist, president of the Network environment health): "These are substances called endocrine disrupters these products. They disrupt the functioning of the hormonal system and have health impacts mainly during pregnancy. The impact will be felt as adults and even across generations" / Gérard BAPT (PS MP for Haute Garonne, rapporteur for the health mission in the Finance Committee): "the government is against it because the industry must be able to prepare to introduce less dangerous substitutes."









Publication date : 4 May 2011

Producteur: France 2, France 3   -   Journalist : Gilbert, Claudine  -  Film Editor : Aibar, Nathalie  -  Participant : Cicolella, André  -  Participant : Bapt, Gérard
19 20 National Edition   -   Producteur: France 2, France 3


Credits:Journalist : Gilbert, Claudine-Film Editor : Aibar, Nathalie-Participant : Cicolella, André-Participant : Bapt, Gérard

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