Philippe Croizon defeated the Channel

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Philippe Croizon defeated the Channel

Philippe Croizon defeated the Channel

Reportage. Portrait and story of the feat made by Philippe CROIZON. Deprived of his arms and legs, he crossed the English Channel in 14 hours to reach the 33 km that separate Folkstone in England and the Cap Gris nose in France. The report presents a commentary on factual images alternating with interviews with Philippe CROIZON, athlete, and Gérard CROIZON, father of Philippe Croizon. [Source: France 3 documentation] Philippe Croizon, 42, has achieved a feat. Deprived of his amputated arms and legs after an accident, he crossed the Channel in record time. It took him 14 hours to reach the 33 km that separate Folkstone in England and Cap Grinet in France. He had planned the crossing in 24 hours.









Publication date : 19 September 2010

Producteur: France 3, France 3 Limousin Poitou Charentes   -   Journalist : Courtellemont, Marie Pierre  -  Film Editor : Mirfenderesky, Talat  -  Participant : Croizon, Philippe  -  Participant : Croizon, Gérard
19 20 National Edition   -   Producteur: France 3, France 3 Limousin Poitou Charentes


Credits:Journalist : Courtellemont, Marie Pierre-Film Editor : Mirfenderesky, Talat-Participant : Croizon, Philippe-Participant : Croizon, Gérard

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